Unknown Address

Unknown recipient/adress

If you are having trouble getting the letter, you can give us your details and we will do the rest.

Very often we have a problems with delivery. There could be several reasons:
1). The name/surname is unclear.
2). There is no name/surname on the mailbox
3). Incorrect recipient address

Easy steps


  1. Fill your name and family name
  2. Put your current address
  3. Put your phone number and email so we can contact you in case of need.
  4. If there is more than one person living in the apartment, you can click the "Add More" button.
  • Receive your items where and when you want, even if you are not home.
  • If you need to adapt to a new situation, you can change your permanent delivery option for individual items at any time.
Personal Information
Contact Details

Receive items flexibly

free of charge

Decide yourself how you receive your letters and parcels.

Set delivery option now

Questions & Answers

How can I reset my delivery option?

To reset your previous delivery option, choose "Receive items at delivery address".

What items are eligible for item drop-off?

If you choose the delivery opton "allow item drop-off", registered letters, packets, small parcels and Post Express items will be delivered to your letterbox. Official letters from the authorities with advice of receipt (RSa/RSb) are excluded. Please indicate a safe preferred spot where we can drop off large items.

Have your parcels conveniently picked up by Austrian Post

Austrian Post will pick up your return parcels and any items with a prepaid parcel stamp from your home.

Order collection service
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Frequently Asked Questions


How can I change my delivery address?

Go to your profile and click on the "Change Address" button.

How can I change my delivery time?

Go to your profile and click on the "Change Time" button.

How can I change my delivery options?

Go to your profile and click on the "Change Options" button.